Friday, January 14, 2011

February Birthstone

Birthstone Color: Purple

When you look into the depths of a dress sparkling purple amethyst with a strong sense of serenity, this should be expected. The ancient Greeks believed that this stone has held many powers, including protection against intoxication. In fact, the word amethyst from the Greek word "amethystos" if sober. In ancient Greece, the gemstone with the god of wine has been found, and he was aware of this drink in Amethyst goblets in the belief that serving to avoid this excess. Even today, amethyst is a stabilizing force for those struggling to overcome addiction.

February birthstone purple has possession of the kingdom has been noticed over the centuries. The deep purple color of amethyst uses monarchs at first, perhaps because they often wore that color. Viola was scarce and expensive at a time, and was reserved for heads of kings and queens. Amethyst has ruins dating from the ninth century were found decorating, crowns, scepters, jewelry and armor worn in battle. A large amethyst stone is one of the closely watched in the British crown jewels.

Amethyst is also symbolic of spirituality and piety. It is used to ornament churches and crosses used in religious ceremonies and rings and rosaries worn by bishops and priests.

Once considered more valuable than diamonds, Amethyst is a member of the family of quartz crystals occur naturally in rocks. and the United States, deposits of this gemstone are Brazil, Canada, Australia, India, Madagascar, Namibia, Russia, Sri Lanka.

The gift of Amethyst is a symbol of protection and strength to overcome the difficulties. It is said to strengthen ties in a relationship, is an ideal anniversary or engagement gem. That amethyst has such power, its stunning beauty is sure of the wearer like a king!

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