March Birthstone : Aquamarine
Birthstone Color: Pale Blue
If you can imagine the blue of the Mediterranean, it is understandable why the birthstone of March is called Aquamarine. Derived from "aqua" meaning water and the Latin word "mare" meaning sea, this gem is very similar to the blue color of the sea The Romans believed that the sacred to Neptune, god of the aquamarine sea, once it had fallen from jewelry sirens and washed ashore. Early sailors wore aquamarine talismans, engraved with the figure of Neptune, as protection against threats to the lake.
The association with water led to the belief that the Aquamarine is particularly strong when immersed. The water had been lost in this little gem that has been used in antiquity to cure many diseases of the heart, liver, stomach, mouth and throat. Aquamarine has also been used to reverse poisoning and to aid divination.
Aquamarine is a member of the beryl family. Beryl is a mineral that crystallizes in coarse igneous rocks of the crust. It varies in color from light colored gemstones such as emerald. Beryl has gone up to 2000 years ago used to correct vision, and remains today in the production of glasses. This is a hard mineral that aquamarine gem of sustainable use in jewelry.
Aquamarine varies in color from blue-green, sky blue, but green gems are often heat-treated to remove this less desirable color. Most of the Aqua Marina, unlike other gems, are impeccable. It 's a relatively rich treasure, the largest deposits in Brazil, but also other sources of sea water are located in China, India, Australia, Africa and the United States.
A gift of aquamarine symbolizes both safety, especially in long-term relationships. Some even say that the aquamarine evokes in a tired marriage, love, when you want to go back into the eyes of your partner may raise, consider this gem as a birthday gift!
March Birthstone : Blood stone
Other Stones
An alternate birthstone for March is the blood, a quartz opaque dark green dotted with red spots. The name comes from faith in bloodstone, red blood of Christ shed on the legendary green jasper at the crucifixion. Therefore, as the stone was a "rock martyr." Bloodstone is produced in India, Brazil, Uruguay, Australia and the United States. Ideal for cutting cameos and pearls to symbolize the heart of stone.
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